Wednesday, 4 September 2013

William Fuller VC

With a little bit of luck I shall be providing an interview to BBC Radio on how William Fuller won his VC. I've just written 2,600 words on the man and his exploits for my 2014 book 'Swansea in the Great War'. That said the BBC slot is only about 4 minutes long so some word reduction will be required!

Media interest in 1914-1918 is growing...


  1. I stumbled upon your blog while doing some research on my family history - Fuller on my grandfather's side and Curran on my grandmother's (my mother was a war bride and moved to Newfoundland - then not yet part of Canada - following the war). I have some info on William which I would be happy to share as well as some info on war rationing (an earlier post you had). My great grandparents Curran had a restaurant / catering company in Swansea and I have some notes from their diary speaking about the rationing.

  2. Good evening. Thanks for getting in touch. I'd be interested in seeing what you have, please and might be able to include it in my book, with your permission. William Fuller and rationing are of interest. You can e-mail me at:

    Bernard Lewis
