Monday, 29 April 2013

'Swansea Pals' was published in 2004. It sold out in hardback within 12 months (about 800 copies - its NOT JK Rowling!). It also sold well in paperback.

With the approach of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I interest in the media seems to be growing. In the past 9 months I've had more approaches from TV companies etc. about the Swansea Pals book than in the previous 9 years.

I understand that 3 Welsh TV production companies have used the 'Swansea Pals' book as the background to their 'pitches' to BBC Wales for documentaries to be broadcast in 2104. There are other companies with other themes also pitching, so it is by no way guaranteed that the book will eventually be 'converted' into a TV programme. But I should have some news in the next month or so...

The BBC were actually looking for 'pitches' on any one of three topics - Wales and the Great War; Dylan Thomas; obesity.

Fingers crossed we get some good news...

Bernard Lewis 

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